July 14, 2010

Harsh Truths Spread- 1:41 by Luminessence

Harsh Truths Spread

I developed this spread as a way to get clear and objective information about situations, to keep the cards from simply telling me what I want to hear, and to clearly differentiate hopes, fears, and the truth. I gave myself a reading with it, and I found it very useful. It revealed a couple of attitudes I held that I wasn't consciously aware of before then. The reading I got with the spread seemed straight out of left field at first - I got the Star in position 2, the Ace of Cups in position 5, and the 10 of Swords in position 4 - but after thinking about the cards some more, I found that it all fit.

Harsh Truths Spread
1. What you want to see/believe
2. What you don't want to see/believe
3. What is true
4. What you want to happen
5. What you don't want to happen
6. What will happen


If the spread shows an outcome that you don't like, or an attitude that you'd like to change, you can draw an additional card asking how you can change that attitude or outcome. You can do this for as many positions in the spread as you'd like.

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