This is just a spread I made up, not specific layout just a Past, Present,Future and Long Term Outcome. For Each Area of the Past..Future..Etc..I pulled 2 cards for each, Thats a Total of 8 Cards.
Card Symbolizes Work & Social Activities.
It also Symbolizes Completion ether (good or bad)
Theirs some undecided points in my life.
This card is telling me that despite the times when I cant decide something or cant seem to find a solution there are answers that I cant see yet which they will start making themselves known when its time.
This card also symbolizes Action and Courage and passion which is well balanced with Mental Attitudes and Strife in my dealings.
On the negative side this card shows that there where times of Defensiveness and Presumptions but know that this is over and there where positive results that came out of it
This card symbolizes a Triangle its about taking action and self expression and Sociality.
This card is showing a group activity or situation.
It also shows a delay in things but with a positive outcome in the future.
This card also symbolizes Emotions and Intuition as well as memories of the past.
This card symbolizes Surrendering to change and accepting improvement and making adjustments in my life.
Even thou things are going great I need to back and evaluate a few things and not be so hotheaded about stuff. I'm using all this courage and passion for things Im neglecting my emotions and intuition in certain matters. I need to stop back and take a look whats in my subconscious mind for the answers. Even thou my Actions and Motivations are strong I'm sort of lacking in the Spirituality is weakened by some of my actions in the past.
This card symbolizes Money/Financial Matters.
Symbolizes Effort/Findings and maintaining control over issues that arises against me. This card shows that I'm faced with many issues all which can be overcome, After when finding a way to get thru them or a solution.Being able to analyze and understand about myself and my own spirituality and having the wisdom and understanding and seeing where my own faults leads me into learning by my mistakes and not feeling so trapped and suppressed. But still remaining awake to things around me.
This card shows a time of solicitation or wanting to be alone for awhile to reflect on things and gain Stability that have happened (emotions/memories)and to help me look at positive ways to get thru it.
This card also symbolizes earth, which shows stability and intuition.
In the end I will reap the rewards and possible a direction change may occur at this time.
(Positive-BUT with something to work on)
This card Symbolizes Stability. For Right now everything is calm and solid for me. This can be a positive thing.
But Since the card is reversed the card is showing something refusing to move or change.
This card also symbolizes a Family Unit as well as home and a message of matters attached to stability of the home.
Together the Cards go pretty well together, they both support each other thru my g roundness that I have in my relationships with my emotions and feelings.
This is the card of Destruction and feeling as if I'm in a rut in things and cant seem to freaking move. This card is telling me to remain patient/ Things must happen to make better in the long run. Basically learn from the mistakes that has happened and move on just have faith things will get better and they will. This is also a good time to Maintain control over things that are not going my way or going against me. Stay strong you will get thru it.
My Actions and Motivations will work well together.
This card symbolizes Work & Social Activities.
This card is telling about Decisions and about different paths I can take, a choice must be made. Some things has to be balanced at this time.
The Number in this card symbolizes Relationships and Cooperation,Consideration and Patterning. Working together as a Team
This also indicates that a waiting period where there will be some slow moving success that will not be seen until later.
This card also saying to me to be More Daring and Bold in my dealings in the future.
This card is showing a blocked emotion something that I will try to avoid.
This card is telling me not to sit around and wait for it and not do anything. Get up and do something about it.
This card symbolizes a Man who is Romantic & Sensitive he is also imaginative and on a Mission.
Hes a mover and a doer and he gets things a moving. He is also loyal and Trustworthy.
He also symbolizes Friendships and relationships
Braveness and achievement, Wise and Calm and who is caring and tolerant of others
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