1. Tell me How many Spirit Guides I have = 4
2 Tell me something about your personality.
SG has a somewhat of a Controlling personality. NOT being Forcefull in anything or telling me what to do but a Very impatient kinda of "You get on my nerves" kinda attitude when Im not getting what "She" is saying. and I SWEAR This has GOT TO BE Karen LOL Shes my Main Guide and shes very Stern and reminds me Sylvia Brown LOL...kinda like Listen child Im telling you but you aint getting it LOL!
3 Why are you with me (related; personal interest; "assigned")?
Correcting Mistakes that Ive learned in the past and helping me put together misplaced truth and helps me thru disputes.
4 When is your presence the strongest (in what types of situations)?
During Hard Times and when health is not so good
5 Please tell me an event in which your presence or influence was particularly strong.
During Arguments and going off in illusions lol (oops)..ok yea so she probably was totally tick off all last year cause I was Gone Man I mean GONE LMAO!!
6 What would you like me to know at the moment?
To take some time to rest and let some things go, let things blow over.
There is light at the end of the tunnel.. Sometimes it just takes time and a lot of faith to reach it!
June 27, 2010
June 26, 2010
6 Cards-1:38 "6 card spread"
6 cards
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 and 2 - Present idea of the situation
3 and 4 - the path chosen to the future
5 and 6 - the possible outcome according to the path chosen
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 and 2 - Present idea of the situation
3 and 4 - the path chosen to the future
5 and 6 - the possible outcome according to the path chosen
Health-1:37 "12 Card Health Spread"
This is a 12 card layout health reading involving the different parts of body. I found this spread in a book.
I have used this spread while reading for many peoples health. It gives a very good in depth reading about the part of body affected. I remember once i had got the devil card for Card No.7 and I asked the lady whether she as any urine related problems and she retorted back she as urine infection from a long time.
1) The head, ears, eyes, upper jaw and related accidents
2) Lower Jaw, throat, trachea and thyroid.
3) Respiratory system, shoulders, hands, brain.
4) chest area, breasts, oesophagus, stomach,
5) heart, spine, thymus
6) lower intestine, colon, bowel, skin, allergies
7) kidneys, pancreas, bladder
8) Gonads, reproductive organs, cell formation
9) Liver, pituitary gland, hormones, physical growth
10) knees, gall bladder spleen, skin, bones, teeth
11) Lower legs, ankles, circulatory system
12) Feet, general nervous system, respiratory system, allergies (food) and mental problems.
Although medical advice is best i feel tarot gives a insight about any organ which could be in trouble since i found good sucess with this spread.
I have used this spread while reading for many peoples health. It gives a very good in depth reading about the part of body affected. I remember once i had got the devil card for Card No.7 and I asked the lady whether she as any urine related problems and she retorted back she as urine infection from a long time.
1) The head, ears, eyes, upper jaw and related accidents
2) Lower Jaw, throat, trachea and thyroid.
3) Respiratory system, shoulders, hands, brain.
4) chest area, breasts, oesophagus, stomach,
5) heart, spine, thymus
6) lower intestine, colon, bowel, skin, allergies
7) kidneys, pancreas, bladder
8) Gonads, reproductive organs, cell formation
9) Liver, pituitary gland, hormones, physical growth
10) knees, gall bladder spleen, skin, bones, teeth
11) Lower legs, ankles, circulatory system
12) Feet, general nervous system, respiratory system, allergies (food) and mental problems.
Although medical advice is best i feel tarot gives a insight about any organ which could be in trouble since i found good sucess with this spread.
June 24, 2010
Minor Arcana Suits (Notes)
The Tarot Cards Reading
The 4 Suits of the Minor Arcana

The Spears
The first suit represents a long object, also called a staff or a spear, it commonly corresponds to domination, male fertility and strength. This suit is related to evolution, politics and farmers. It is linked to the element of "Fire" and the season of Spring.
The Cups
This suit stands for femininity. The cups are symbolic of emotions. It deals with affairs of the heart, imagination and ease. Those cards are related to the element of "Water" and the season of Summer.
The Coins
This third suit is a round object, whether named coins or shields. It stands for the material things. It encompasses money, wellness, fortune and property. Those cards are related to the element of "Earth" and the season of Fall.
The Swords
This fourth suit is things with sharp edges. It represents intelligence and strong actions. It covers dissension and sometimes health complications. Those cards are related to the element of "Air" and the season of Winter.

June 23, 2010
Elements Notes
Wands: Air – the realm of thought, insights, ideas, communication, new beginnings, or “seeds”
Cups: Water – the realm of feeling and emotion, of planning and of spirituality, psychic endeavors
Swords: Fire – the realm of action, doing, transforming
Pentacles: Earth – the completion of things, seeing something to the end, bringing home the “prize”, monetary gain, earthly matters, employment, physical events
Wands: Air – the realm of thought, insights, ideas, communication, new beginnings, or “seeds”
Cups: Water – the realm of feeling and emotion, of planning and of spirituality, psychic endeavors
Swords: Fire – the realm of action, doing, transforming
Pentacles: Earth – the completion of things, seeing something to the end, bringing home the “prize”, monetary gain, earthly matters, employment, physical events
Horoscope-1:36 The Horoscope Spread
The Horoscope Spread

The center card marked S is the Significator, which is a card that represents the querent. The other cards represent the astrological houses. Here is what each of the houses represents:
First House
Aries -- Personality; appearances; outlook on life.
Second House
Taurus-- Financial matters, material possessions.
Third House
Gemini -- Matters of communication.
Fourth House
Cancer -- Old age, endings, home environment.
Fifth House Leo -- Children, the heart, creativeness.
Sixth House
Virgo -- Health and hygiene.
Seventh House
Libra -- Marriage and partnerships.
Eighth House
Scorpio -- Death and losses.
Ninth House
Sagittarius -- travel and dreams.
Tenth House
Capricorn -- Careers and ambitions.
Eleventh House
Aquarius -- Friendships and associations.
Twelfth House Pisces -- Self-undoing and karma

Elemental Notes
- Fire and Air are friendly and active
- Water and Earth are friendly and passive
- Fire and Water are enemies, they weaken each other
- Air and Earth are enemies, they weaken each other
- Fire and Earth strengthen each other but are neutral
- Water and Air strengthen each other but are neutral
- Fire – careers, drive and ambition
- Water – love, emotions and psychism
- Air – thoughts, ideas and problems
- Earth – money, possessions, support
Journal/Reading Notes
Steps to Remember when giving a reading
1. Name the Card
2.Number of Card & its meaning
3. What Suit is it? Cups/Swords & Its characteristics
4. Description of the Card
5.Describe the emotion/Feeling of the environment that you see on the card.
6. My Thoughts on the card
7. Look for High Number like more wands or more cups
1. Name the Card
2.Number of Card & its meaning
3. What Suit is it? Cups/Swords & Its characteristics
4. Description of the Card
5.Describe the emotion/Feeling of the environment that you see on the card.
6. My Thoughts on the card
7. Look for High Number like more wands or more cups
Court Cards
Majors Arcana=Carries more Weight then any other card-Is the forces outside of our control
Often marked with Numeral Numbers.(Fools thru The World)
Minor Arcana=Is what we can change (Ace's thru Ten)
Court Cards Points to real people in your life.
The court card meanings in the Tarot can be vast, profound, and potentially slippery. I've gone round and round about how to present these tarot card meanings to my readers in a simple yet meaningful way.
Why is the Tarot court so elusive? Here are few considerations in reading court card meanings:
Page=youngster of about 12 or preteen and gender
Queen=adult, motherly figure
King=adult, fatherly or authority figure-are customarily people over 36 who are, or have been, married.
Often marked with Numeral Numbers.(Fools thru The World)
Minor Arcana=Is what we can change (Ace's thru Ten)
Court Cards Points to real people in your life.
The court card meanings in the Tarot can be vast, profound, and potentially slippery. I've gone round and round about how to present these tarot card meanings to my readers in a simple yet meaningful way.
Why is the Tarot court so elusive? Here are few considerations in reading court card meanings:
- They can be external or internal in meaning.
These cards can point to real people in our lives, identifiable by their personality and appearance (as translated in a specific court card). Or, they can direct our attention to our own internal behavioral tendencies and personality traits. - They can reference people in many levels of life.
The royal arcana can indicate people in the past, present and future. More mind-bogglingly, these cards can point out people who have transitioned (no longer alive on this physical plane). I've had many readings in which deceased family members and friends have spoken through the royal arcana. If you're a natural medium, this is guaranteed to happen at some point in your Tarot card reading experience. - They are extremely moody.
Because we are dealing directly with the human psyche and persona, these cards are chameleon in nature according to the context of the querent and the reading.
Page=youngster of about 12 or preteen and gender
Queen=adult, motherly figure
King=adult, fatherly or authority figure-are customarily people over 36 who are, or have been, married.

June 22, 2010
Tarot Journal June 22 My Emotional Clutter Spread Results
Card One: What kind of emotional clutter have I accumulated?Ive gathered much sorrow, depression and fusteration and feeling restrained and feeling as if I cant move I felt held down and restricted from things I want and love.
Card Two: How is it affecting me?It made me realize that even the ones I trusted and loved, they hurt me and betrayed me and lied to me. Also so many disagreements and not wanting to work on any issues at hand.
Card Three: How is it affecting my relationship with others?I have some restriction with people, Im more careful in my dealings with them or do I trust them.Sometimes I think I have all this will power i mean I probably do but many things in my head are undecided on how I feel and how i will react. Just a very confusing time for me.
Card Four: What steps can I take to rid myself of this emotional clutter? The Cards Say Finding a Job and then I will build my Courage and I will start seeing new things that I will like and have more purpose in my life then I do feel now.
Card Five: What can I do to avoid the accumulation of emotional clutter in the future? A little more consideration on other peoples feelings, Making true friendships. With this I will have a happier life and must happiness in my life.Love and Harmoney and Trust will be built as well.
Card Two: How is it affecting me?It made me realize that even the ones I trusted and loved, they hurt me and betrayed me and lied to me. Also so many disagreements and not wanting to work on any issues at hand.
Card Three: How is it affecting my relationship with others?I have some restriction with people, Im more careful in my dealings with them or do I trust them.Sometimes I think I have all this will power i mean I probably do but many things in my head are undecided on how I feel and how i will react. Just a very confusing time for me.
Card Four: What steps can I take to rid myself of this emotional clutter? The Cards Say Finding a Job and then I will build my Courage and I will start seeing new things that I will like and have more purpose in my life then I do feel now.
Card Five: What can I do to avoid the accumulation of emotional clutter in the future? A little more consideration on other peoples feelings, Making true friendships. With this I will have a happier life and must happiness in my life.Love and Harmoney and Trust will be built as well.
Season-1:35 Bodhrans Summer Solstic Spread by bodhran
,Bodhran's Summer Solstice Spread:
4~~The Sun~~2
Pull "The Sun" from the deck and place it face up in the center.
1. During the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, more light is available to us. What in my life has been in shadow, that I need to shine a bright light on so I can see it clearly for what it is?
2. The word "solstice" comes from the Latin "sol" (meaning sun) and "sistere" (meaning to cause to stand still). What in my life am I trying to force into happening when instead I need to be still and patient?
3. The Summer Solstice is often called "Midsummer" because it is roughly in the middle of the growing season. What in my life is fertile and productive now? Where are my opportunities for growth?
4~~The Sun~~2
Pull "The Sun" from the deck and place it face up in the center.
1. During the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, more light is available to us. What in my life has been in shadow, that I need to shine a bright light on so I can see it clearly for what it is?
2. The word "solstice" comes from the Latin "sol" (meaning sun) and "sistere" (meaning to cause to stand still). What in my life am I trying to force into happening when instead I need to be still and patient?
3. The Summer Solstice is often called "Midsummer" because it is roughly in the middle of the growing season. What in my life is fertile and productive now? Where are my opportunities for growth?

Tarot Spread Collection 1
Fun Empath Test Ive taken
You Scored as Certified Empath
You are a natural born Empath! You are haunted by the calling of "the others" and walk in silence between the busy and the distracted. You qualify for certification by the School of Empath Psychology. From the Book of Storms Series newsletter on Yahoo! Groups.
You are a natural born Empath! You are haunted by the calling of "the others" and walk in silence between the busy and the distracted. You qualify for certification by the School of Empath Psychology. From the Book of Storms Series newsletter on Yahoo! Groups.
Certified Empath | 100% |
An Intuitive | 100% |
Unbonded Empath | 56% |
Potential Empath | 56% |
Not an Empath | 44% |
June 21, 2010
Journal June 21 2010
Well I signed up in a Tarot Forum you know to learn and get help in areas I didn't know and need help in, And posted certain things I was stuck on or sorta didn't understand. But instead I go alot of I don't know how to word it, umm not really rude comments but being a empath it wasn't a very nice way of saying something. Like those who have been in the tarot reading process for awhile that knows a little more then others, and if a newbie made a comment of something they didn't know or understand, They would litterly "Bite your head off" or make you feel like you where a total idiot and maybe you shouldn't be reading tarots if your make a mistake. I dont know how much Longer I will last in that forum because I cannot stand rude unemotional smart commented people. Theres a way to talk to people and a way not to and there where so many who where so nice and understanding and explained things to me and then there where others who where Right out Rude, I doubt I will be there long who wants to be at a place where you dont feel like you belong or you feel afraid to comment on something or ask a questions without feeling b-littled. I dunno people just need to be alittle more soft hearted to others especially for those who are new. Its not very Newbie friendly at all, Maybe some of the people but alot of the elder ones Not so much.My
My Tarot Journal,
personal thoughts,
June 20, 2010
My Tarot Journal: Sunday June 20 2010
I think I FINALLY HAVE seen the Light and I hope this Tarot block has been lifted we shall see, But I did a reading on myself.it was suppose to be for a health reading and well it sure didn't turn out anyway physical it was more inward health related I guess you can say, But I learned a few things and how to break down my readings instead of just reading the card for what it is, So I will add the reading here for my own journalism purposes.
The first card shows the emotional aspects of myself, Many Faults and Errors has been made by me and even thou I mean no harm in it, it really was harming me.
Another card that deals with my emotional aspects of myself also is where the card shows that Im scared of success and I'm undecided what I want to do with my life. As a matter affect this is so true, Because I have been mother for 13 yrs and being a housewife and mother and being home is ALL I know. and now that the baby will be five (Tomorrow) and going to school I have that free time to do ME. and to be honest no matter how NICE that sounds It scares the ba-jezzus outta me. Because leaving something Ive always known for 13 yrs and thinking about me? that's pretty scary because for one I DON'T KNOW WHAT IM GOING TO DO!
The next following cards shows the main challenges that I am dealing with it first card shows that I need to Observe things a little more before judgmental on it and try to understand those around me (mostly on the domestic front of it_ With my Husband and kids. The card is also telling me to be more productive and be moe patient while doing it. Dont rush into rash decisions and moods.Theres also another card that deals with my main challenges that I'm dealing with, Its is Order, Discipline and Prepare, This card is telling me that I need to have a little more discipline in myself and get things done and gather myself to what I need to do and what I SHOULD Be doing and to prepare myself for the coming times.
The Next cards show Choices and Decisions. These 2 cards are telling me that I need to find a way out of feeling restricted as I told you before I am scared of leaving the life that I know to do me, Sometimes I feel like I cant move but I need to learn to get past that and find always to "be free" and not feel so restricted.
and for Then I can change myself to be More Happier and have more prosperity in the end results.
So basically I need to stop being so Impatient and start being a little more passionate and understanding to those around me, Be More productive in my day to day life, Stop being Moody and sulking around like a big baby and try to not let myself get to detached from what I'm suppose to be doing and feeling.
Also the cards in a whole say that I need to build more confidence in myself and courage and to Follow my Intuition and love endlessly then in the end I will have success
My Bonus card I pulled shows that I will becoming into new knowledge as well around this time...
The first card shows the emotional aspects of myself, Many Faults and Errors has been made by me and even thou I mean no harm in it, it really was harming me.
Another card that deals with my emotional aspects of myself also is where the card shows that Im scared of success and I'm undecided what I want to do with my life. As a matter affect this is so true, Because I have been mother for 13 yrs and being a housewife and mother and being home is ALL I know. and now that the baby will be five (Tomorrow) and going to school I have that free time to do ME. and to be honest no matter how NICE that sounds It scares the ba-jezzus outta me. Because leaving something Ive always known for 13 yrs and thinking about me? that's pretty scary because for one I DON'T KNOW WHAT IM GOING TO DO!
The next following cards shows the main challenges that I am dealing with it first card shows that I need to Observe things a little more before judgmental on it and try to understand those around me (mostly on the domestic front of it_ With my Husband and kids. The card is also telling me to be more productive and be moe patient while doing it. Dont rush into rash decisions and moods.Theres also another card that deals with my main challenges that I'm dealing with, Its is Order, Discipline and Prepare, This card is telling me that I need to have a little more discipline in myself and get things done and gather myself to what I need to do and what I SHOULD Be doing and to prepare myself for the coming times.
The Next cards show Choices and Decisions. These 2 cards are telling me that I need to find a way out of feeling restricted as I told you before I am scared of leaving the life that I know to do me, Sometimes I feel like I cant move but I need to learn to get past that and find always to "be free" and not feel so restricted.
and for Then I can change myself to be More Happier and have more prosperity in the end results.
So basically I need to stop being so Impatient and start being a little more passionate and understanding to those around me, Be More productive in my day to day life, Stop being Moody and sulking around like a big baby and try to not let myself get to detached from what I'm suppose to be doing and feeling.
Also the cards in a whole say that I need to build more confidence in myself and courage and to Follow my Intuition and love endlessly then in the end I will have success
My Bonus card I pulled shows that I will becoming into new knowledge as well around this time...

My Tarot Journal,
Suit Def
itsOther Notes:
CUPS=Heart- Emotional-emotion
WANDS=Spirit-Main Challenges-creativity,passion and spirituality
SWORDS=About Choices and Decisions--Mind/Will-thought
PENTACLES= Bring need to focus on practical matters.Wealth-financial matters
Majors Arcana=Carries more Weight then any other card-Is the forces outside of our control
Often marked with Numeral Numbers.(Fools thru The World)
Minor Arcana=Is what we can change (Ace's thru Ten)

Tarot Journal: June 19: Thoughts
For 3 days Now I have been in total Tarot BLOCK! and its just about to drive me crazy, No matter how much meditation no matter how much sleep NOTHING..zip Nada...I cannot put two and two together when I'm reading Cards make no sense! UHG how annoying...Like my brain was erased and No I cant remember squat. I might need to take a longer break or something because before the readings where clear as can be but recently NOTHING and it really frustrates me and I HATE Being like this grrr. OK so yea I vented a little lol maybe next week will be back to normal YA THINK!? LOL
Card Pulled today 6 of cups-Reversed Yea so Ive been sorta moody and maybe detached, maybe because of wanting to DO something and I cant DO IT! Uhg I need a Break LOL
Card Pulled today 6 of cups-Reversed Yea so Ive been sorta moody and maybe detached, maybe because of wanting to DO something and I cant DO IT! Uhg I need a Break LOL

My Tarot Journal,
personal thoughts,
General-1:34 Tell Me Something Spread
No Diagram but heres some questions
Tell me Something Spread
1. Tell Me Something I know About
2, Tell me something I don't know about
3.Tell me what I can do to help.
Tell me Something Spread
1. Tell Me Something I know About
2, Tell me something I don't know about
3.Tell me what I can do to help.
Relationships- 1:33 Out of Sync Relationship
I don't have a exact diagram of the layouts but here are the questions to ask.
1. What they say to the outside world?
2. Reason they say this
3.How they act/what behavior they show the outside world
4.Reason Why
5.What they really feel inside
6.Reason they mask their feelings
7.What they think about you
8.What they thoughts are based on
9.What needs to happen for them to show their True Feelings
10 What you can do to help their true feelings come to life.
1. What they say to the outside world?
2. Reason they say this
3.How they act/what behavior they show the outside world
4.Reason Why
5.What they really feel inside
6.Reason they mask their feelings
7.What they think about you
8.What they thoughts are based on
9.What needs to happen for them to show their True Feelings
10 What you can do to help their true feelings come to life.
Tarot Spread Collection 1
You & Your Cards
You and Your Cards
Your cards are yours, so don’t keep them lying about. Keep them in a place where they will not be disturbed by your kids or your pets. You may even make a sacred place for keeping them if that feels good to you. You can store your cards in the box that they came in, or use special boxes made for storing cards. Some readers keep crystals with their cards. Some use special cloth for their readings.
To clean your cards of energy residue after several readings, you can either put them back in order or make each reversed card upright. Some readers use smudge sticks and incense to clean the cards. And some meditate and visualize a white a light enveloping them.
Keep the reading area clean and full of natural light. Wash your hands and feet after a reading, to clean the energy on you. You can even use scented candles or crystals or incense while doing readings to create a comfortable environment.
The most effective way is the one that feels good to you. Respect your cards, and treat them well - just as you would do for anything important and precious
You and Your Cards
Your cards are yours, so don’t keep them lying about. Keep them in a place where they will not be disturbed by your kids or your pets. You may even make a sacred place for keeping them if that feels good to you. You can store your cards in the box that they came in, or use special boxes made for storing cards. Some readers keep crystals with their cards. Some use special cloth for their readings.
To clean your cards of energy residue after several readings, you can either put them back in order or make each reversed card upright. Some readers use smudge sticks and incense to clean the cards. And some meditate and visualize a white a light enveloping them.
Keep the reading area clean and full of natural light. Wash your hands and feet after a reading, to clean the energy on you. You can even use scented candles or crystals or incense while doing readings to create a comfortable environment.
The most effective way is the one that feels good to you. Respect your cards, and treat them well - just as you would do for anything important and precious

Taking Care of your Cards,
Tarot Info.
Dating/Romance-1:32 A New Aquaintance/Date/Romance Spread by Mathki
A New Acquaintance/Date/Romance Spread
1) Who is he/she?
2) What are his/her intentions? (If any)
3) What can the acquaintanceship lead to?
4) Good advice / what I need to be aware of
5) Probable outcome / where the acquaintanceship is headed if the advice above is taken into consideration
1) Who is he/she?
2) What are his/her intentions? (If any)
3) What can the acquaintanceship lead to?
4) Good advice / what I need to be aware of
5) Probable outcome / where the acquaintanceship is headed if the advice above is taken into consideration
Tarot Spread Collection 1
Legal/Justice- 1:31 Scales of Justice Spread by raheli
Scales of Justice Spread
1. The crux of the situation
2. You
3. The other party
4&5. Advice for you if the situation (case) is resolved in your favour
6&7. Advice for you if the situation (case) is resolved favour of the other party
8. Lessons to be learned from the situation
9. The likely outcome
1. The crux of the situation
2. You
3. The other party
4&5. Advice for you if the situation (case) is resolved in your favour
6&7. Advice for you if the situation (case) is resolved favour of the other party
8. Lessons to be learned from the situation
9. The likely outcome
Tarot Spread Collection 1
Lost Item- 1:30 The Lost Item Spread by isthmus nekoi
The Lost Item Spread
1> North
2> East
3> South
4> West
5> Situation
6> Advice
7> Outcome
1> North
2> East
3> South
4> West
5> Situation
6> Advice
7> Outcome
Lost items,
Tarot Spread Collection 1
Lying-1:29 Lying Spread by rainwolf
Lying Spread
14-16 are kinda off to the side, I'll explain why in a little.
1-5 are the rumor line. It should describe what is going around and confirm what you have heard. It may help to keep 6-10 face down.
6-10 are the truth about the rumor. An important assumption is that the rumor has any truth at all. I suggest interpreting this line with caution. If you get a bunch of random cards, or cards that suggest not to worry, then it may be saying "forget this, its a waste of time, it will only bring more problems to get into it". If a lot of cards suggest movement, them maybe it's saying move on.
11-13 are probably the more helpful cards. Think of this as a bridge between rumor and truth. It is telling you how things were misinterpreted. Keyword how. The process between truth and rumor. (I called this line 'how it unfolded')
14-16 are distortion. This part is optional and laid out in a slight fan to the side. The reason it is optional is because it may name names, which is not for everyone. Up to card 13, it is just giving you information on the miscommunication and possibly why. Given that, I thought court cards would present the personality type of those involved with it. Cards flanking a court would give more information on the events themselves, but it may also explain why someone did it in the first place. If you use this constructively, and the person did not have bad intentions (thats a whole 'nother spread) it may fix things up. But as I said, this is optional because you may not care about those reasons (or care not to know period).
14-16 are kinda off to the side, I'll explain why in a little.
1-5 are the rumor line. It should describe what is going around and confirm what you have heard. It may help to keep 6-10 face down.
6-10 are the truth about the rumor. An important assumption is that the rumor has any truth at all. I suggest interpreting this line with caution. If you get a bunch of random cards, or cards that suggest not to worry, then it may be saying "forget this, its a waste of time, it will only bring more problems to get into it". If a lot of cards suggest movement, them maybe it's saying move on.
11-13 are probably the more helpful cards. Think of this as a bridge between rumor and truth. It is telling you how things were misinterpreted. Keyword how. The process between truth and rumor. (I called this line 'how it unfolded')
14-16 are distortion. This part is optional and laid out in a slight fan to the side. The reason it is optional is because it may name names, which is not for everyone. Up to card 13, it is just giving you information on the miscommunication and possibly why. Given that, I thought court cards would present the personality type of those involved with it. Cards flanking a court would give more information on the events themselves, but it may also explain why someone did it in the first place. If you use this constructively, and the person did not have bad intentions (thats a whole 'nother spread) it may fix things up. But as I said, this is optional because you may not care about those reasons (or care not to know period).
Tarot Spread Collection 1
Tarot Collection 1:28 Spread for Children by earth mama
Spread for Children
1- The child
2- What i can teach him
3- What he can teach me
4- What is the best way to relate to him
5- What he needs from me
6- How i can help him to become his own person
7- How i can help keep him on the right path
8- What's in store for him
1- The child
2- What i can teach him
3- What he can teach me
4- What is the best way to relate to him
5- What he needs from me
6- How i can help him to become his own person
7- How i can help keep him on the right path
8- What's in store for him
Tarot Collection 1:27 Pregnancy Spread by Imagemaker
(cup/uterus shape)
1 = the father's gift to the baby
2 = the mother's gift to the baby
3 = baby's best strength
4 = the baby's biggest challenge
5 = the baby's mission on earth
6 = the baby's support on earth
(cup/uterus shape)
1 = the father's gift to the baby
2 = the mother's gift to the baby
3 = baby's best strength
4 = the baby's biggest challenge
5 = the baby's mission on earth
6 = the baby's support on earth
Tarot Collection 1:26 The Health Problem Spread by wavebreaker
Health Problem Spread
- What do I need to know about the cause of this problem?
- Advice for the short term (how to solve the problem right now)
- Result for the short term (result for this particular occurrence of the problem)
- Advice for the long term (how can I prevent the problem in the future)
- Result for the long term (result for the problem in the future)
Tarot Collection 1:25 Where Am I Heading Spread by SaintOfScreams
Where am I Heading Spread
Note: This layout should look like two zig- zags.
Job/Career: This is where you're going in the job or career arena.
Education: This is where you are going in education and learning goals. Edit as necessary.
Love; Self- explanatory.
Friendships: Where your friendships are going. What elements will they endure and will make them stronger.
Family: This is forecasting what energy your family arena will have. Your near future family picture.
Spirit: Remember: Spirit is not just one area in your life but the essence that ties all parts of your life together! THis can be your spiritual path and how it affects your life as a whole.
Health: How your health will be, if their will be any problems to watch out for, etc. Progress in treatment.
Creativity: This card tells what your progress will be in any hobbies or creative projects you take on
Note: This layout should look like two zig- zags.
Job/Career: This is where you're going in the job or career arena.
Education: This is where you are going in education and learning goals. Edit as necessary.
Love; Self- explanatory.

Friendships: Where your friendships are going. What elements will they endure and will make them stronger.
Family: This is forecasting what energy your family arena will have. Your near future family picture.
Spirit: Remember: Spirit is not just one area in your life but the essence that ties all parts of your life together! THis can be your spiritual path and how it affects your life as a whole.
Health: How your health will be, if their will be any problems to watch out for, etc. Progress in treatment.
Creativity: This card tells what your progress will be in any hobbies or creative projects you take on
Tarot Collection 1:24 Looking for a Job/Career Spread by Tarotlady
Looking for a Job/Career Spread by Tarotlady
Originally posted by tarotlady
And this is a job spread I created myself. I actually created it for advice on a current job, but you could always change the first position to reflect the job you are considering.
Originally posted by tarotlady
- Why did I choose this career?
- Am I on the correct path?
- What is the main obstacle facing me?
- What is helping me?
- How can I continue making progress?
And this is a job spread I created myself. I actually created it for advice on a current job, but you could always change the first position to reflect the job you are considering.
- What is going on in your job right now
- What you need to focus on
- Hidden factors
- Advice
- Near future
Tarot Collection 1:23 "A Romany Variation"
A Romany Variation
Three rows of seven columns:1**2**3**4**5**6**7
Column 1 (cards 1; 8; 15)
Character of the enquirer and recent past
Column 2 (cards 2; 9; 16)
Emotional and love life links
Column 3 (cards 3; 10; 17)
Column 4 (cards 4; 11; 18)
Column 5 (cards 5; 12; 19)
Column 6 and 7 (cards 6; 7; 13; 14; 20; 21)
Future- next six months
Card 11 in the center sets the tone of the reading.
Tarot Collection 1:22 "Black Cat Spread" by Mesara
Black Cat Spread
A=Card 10
B=Card 11
1 and 2 as the cat's eyes- these represent what you see to be true about a given situation ( this can later prove to be true or false)
Position3 (the cat's nose) represents what you "feel" to be true. Maybe you "smell" something fishy, but can't quite put your finger on it. This can also be later proved true or false by the next 3 cards.
Positions 4, 5. and 6 represent the "backbone" of the situation, the hardcore facts. Do these coincide with what your eyes and your intuition were telling you?
Positions 7, 8, and 9 represent the "tail", the grand culmination of events, how you can expect things to turn out.
I thought about adding 2 more positions at the feet, maybe as an optional thing depending on the reading. Perhaps you don't like the "tail" cards, or the predicted outcome? Then continue with positions 10 and 11 (roughly where the feet would be on the cat).
These could represent what it would take to lay the groundwork for a different outcome, or the stepping stones necessary to reach a new and more appealing branch in that tree.. Just a thought. Or even if you like the outcome, these cards could represent how to gain a foothold on the situation to ensure you get the results you want, etc...
One of the cards 10 and 11 could also be "unknown" aspects of the situation as cats are fond of draping a paw over the toy, or unfortunate mouse, that they were just playing with -- thus an uncertainty or sense of play in the situation. I was also thinking, If you want to preserve the "groups of 3" aspect of the spread you could also add one card for the mouth or meow -- what the situation is trying to tell you.
A=Card 10
B=Card 11
1 and 2 as the cat's eyes- these represent what you see to be true about a given situation ( this can later prove to be true or false)
Position3 (the cat's nose) represents what you "feel" to be true. Maybe you "smell" something fishy, but can't quite put your finger on it. This can also be later proved true or false by the next 3 cards.
Positions 4, 5. and 6 represent the "backbone" of the situation, the hardcore facts. Do these coincide with what your eyes and your intuition were telling you?
Positions 7, 8, and 9 represent the "tail", the grand culmination of events, how you can expect things to turn out.
I thought about adding 2 more positions at the feet, maybe as an optional thing depending on the reading. Perhaps you don't like the "tail" cards, or the predicted outcome? Then continue with positions 10 and 11 (roughly where the feet would be on the cat).
These could represent what it would take to lay the groundwork for a different outcome, or the stepping stones necessary to reach a new and more appealing branch in that tree.. Just a thought. Or even if you like the outcome, these cards could represent how to gain a foothold on the situation to ensure you get the results you want, etc...
One of the cards 10 and 11 could also be "unknown" aspects of the situation as cats are fond of draping a paw over the toy, or unfortunate mouse, that they were just playing with -- thus an uncertainty or sense of play in the situation. I was also thinking, If you want to preserve the "groups of 3" aspect of the spread you could also add one card for the mouth or meow -- what the situation is trying to tell you.
Tarot Collection 1:20 "The Spirit Spread" By miss_apples
The Spirit Spread
card #1 represents the spirit, a little info about who they are
card # 2 represents why they are with you right now
card # 3 represents what they want you to know
card # 4 represents what actions you can take and/or how you can help them
card # 5 is a summary/outcome of the entire reading
card #1 represents the spirit, a little info about who they are
card # 2 represents why they are with you right now
card # 3 represents what they want you to know
card # 4 represents what actions you can take and/or how you can help them
card # 5 is a summary/outcome of the entire reading
Tarot Collection 1:19 "Sexy Spread" by satine
Sexy Spread
1. What I need/want from him sexually
2. What our sexual relationship means/represents to me
3. What he needs/wants from me sexually
4. What our sexual relationship means/represents to him
5. My insecurities
6. His insecurities
7. What turns me on most about him
8. What turns him on most about me
9. What I can do to enhance our connection
10. What he can do to enhance our connection
11. The sexual energy we create together
12. Our future together sexually
1. What I need/want from him sexually
2. What our sexual relationship means/represents to me
3. What he needs/wants from me sexually
4. What our sexual relationship means/represents to him
5. My insecurities
6. His insecurities
7. What turns me on most about him
8. What turns him on most about me
9. What I can do to enhance our connection
10. What he can do to enhance our connection
11. The sexual energy we create together
12. Our future together sexually
Tarot Collection 1:19 "Relationship Problem Solving Spread" By WalesWoman
I collected this from AT forum , I havent used this yet but I hope to soon. I just LOVE collecting all these wonderful spreads! Thank You to those who take the time to make them as well as the Members of AT Forums..Your So AWESOME!!
Relationship Problem Solving Spread
The purpose of this spread is to find out how to improve problem areas when you aren't sure what the problem is.
I think this spread would be good for any kind of relationship, job situation, even the one with yourself for that matter.
Relationship Problem Solving Spread
2 * 1 * 3
5 * 4 * 6
8 * 7 * 9
*10 *11*
Card 1: The problem, the real question; present situation, reason for asking.
Cards 2,3,4,5 and 6 represent the nature of the relationship.
Card 2: Shows how you relate to the other person.
Card 3: Shows how the other person relates to you.
Card 4: Shows what the relationship looks like as a whole.
Card 5: Shows your hopes, needs and desires in the relationship.
Card 6: Shows the other person's hopes, needs, and desires in the relationship.
Cards 7,8,9, represent conflicts and insights into impediments.
Card 7: What is causing conflict or impediments.
Card 8: Represents your perspective of the problem and how you will deal with it.
Card 9: Represents the other person's perspective on the problem and how they will deal with
Cards 10, 11, 12 offers insight and solutions
Card 10: What needs to change to overcome challenges.
Card 11: This is how you can resolve any differences and how you can improve the relationship and take it to the next level.
Card 12: Crucial Insight; additional advice or outcome.
I could probably have changed positions and put #4 after #6, but I liked having the first part of the reading in three columns. It made it easier to see each side of the story and the middle ground. The last two questions are how to get things back into balance and the final question is the pivot point of the balance in a way.
Guess I could have "spread" this out and made it look like a see-saw or some further rearranging could make it look like a set of scales. The spread I did with it was easy for me to read, don't know if it was the question or the way the cards turned out, but it felt really good to use it.
Just a note: Any and all of the spreads I post are to be used and shared by anyone or I wouldn't have posted them in the first place. I'm just tickled to death when someone else finds them useful.
I think this spread would be good for any kind of relationship, job situation, even the one with yourself for that matter.
Relationship Problem Solving Spread
2 * 1 * 3
5 * 4 * 6
8 * 7 * 9
*10 *11*
Card 1: The problem, the real question; present situation, reason for asking.
Cards 2,3,4,5 and 6 represent the nature of the relationship.
Card 2: Shows how you relate to the other person.
Card 3: Shows how the other person relates to you.
Card 4: Shows what the relationship looks like as a whole.
Card 5: Shows your hopes, needs and desires in the relationship.
Card 6: Shows the other person's hopes, needs, and desires in the relationship.
Cards 7,8,9, represent conflicts and insights into impediments.
Card 7: What is causing conflict or impediments.
Card 8: Represents your perspective of the problem and how you will deal with it.
Card 9: Represents the other person's perspective on the problem and how they will deal with
Cards 10, 11, 12 offers insight and solutions
Card 10: What needs to change to overcome challenges.
Card 11: This is how you can resolve any differences and how you can improve the relationship and take it to the next level.
Card 12: Crucial Insight; additional advice or outcome.
I could probably have changed positions and put #4 after #6, but I liked having the first part of the reading in three columns. It made it easier to see each side of the story and the middle ground. The last two questions are how to get things back into balance and the final question is the pivot point of the balance in a way.
Guess I could have "spread" this out and made it look like a see-saw or some further rearranging could make it look like a set of scales. The spread I did with it was easy for me to read, don't know if it was the question or the way the cards turned out, but it felt really good to use it.
Just a note: Any and all of the spreads I post are to be used and shared by anyone or I wouldn't have posted them in the first place. I'm just tickled to death when someone else finds them useful.
Tarot Collection 1:18 "Healing a Relationship Spread" By tarotreader2007
Healing a Relationship Spread
1. Why your relationship became distant or damaged
2. At time of conflict, what was the other party's opinion of you
3. What is there present opinion of you
4. What do they think about improving the relationship. Do they think it's a good idea or that it will work.
5,6,7- These are major things that need to happen before the relationship is fully healed
8,9- About how long until the relationship can be dependable or stable
10 Will an attempt at improving the relationship strengthen it, or will it merely salvage it, or will it do nothing, or, will it hurt it more.
1. Why your relationship became distant or damaged
2. At time of conflict, what was the other party's opinion of you
3. What is there present opinion of you
4. What do they think about improving the relationship. Do they think it's a good idea or that it will work.
5,6,7- These are major things that need to happen before the relationship is fully healed
8,9- About how long until the relationship can be dependable or stable
10 Will an attempt at improving the relationship strengthen it, or will it merely salvage it, or will it do nothing, or, will it hurt it more.
Tarot Collection 1:17 "Deployment Spread" By sprite
Deployment spread
this is for your mindset while spouse is away
1 him and his feelings
2 you and your feelings
3 what is working for you while he is away
4 what is working against you while he is away
5 what should i be focusing on for myself
6 what can i look forward to/expect when he returns home
7-9 overall advice during time deployed
Tarot Collection 1:15 & 16 "Justice Spread" By rwcarter
Take Justice and Judgment out of the deck, placing them aside for now. Shuffle the remaining cards and pull 7 of them. Place Judgment in the new stack and shuffle again, focusing on the trial. Put Justice at the top of the spread. Note where Judgment falls, as that side is likely to win if nothing weird happens during the proceedings.
1,2 - The opposing sides
3,4 - Their goals
5,6 - Why they wish their goals to be met
7,8 - The scales of Justice, the ultimate decider of the victor
The questions/statements could be rephrased:
1,2 - Why they should/shouldn't become a citizen
3,4 - This will help/will hurt their chances
5,6 - The effect of the wheels of government
7,8 - Outcome
Another Legal spread posted by raheli
layout based on the scales from the RW deck
1. The crux of the situation
2. You
3. The other party
4&5. Outcomes if the situation (case) is resolved in your favor
6&7. Outcomes if the situation (case) is resolved favor of the other party
8. Lessons to be learned front he situation
9. The likely outcome
Take Justice and Judgment out of the deck, placing them aside for now. Shuffle the remaining cards and pull 7 of them. Place Judgment in the new stack and shuffle again, focusing on the trial. Put Justice at the top of the spread. Note where Judgment falls, as that side is likely to win if nothing weird happens during the proceedings.
1,2 - The opposing sides
3,4 - Their goals
5,6 - Why they wish their goals to be met
7,8 - The scales of Justice, the ultimate decider of the victor
The questions/statements could be rephrased:
1,2 - Why they should/shouldn't become a citizen
3,4 - This will help/will hurt their chances
5,6 - The effect of the wheels of government
7,8 - Outcome
Another Legal spread posted by raheli
layout based on the scales from the RW deck
1. The crux of the situation
2. You
3. The other party
4&5. Outcomes if the situation (case) is resolved in your favor
6&7. Outcomes if the situation (case) is resolved favor of the other party
8. Lessons to be learned front he situation
9. The likely outcome
Tarot Collection 1:14 "Emotional Clutter Spread" by Jean Hutter
Emotional Clutter Spread by Jean Hutter
"I arrived home after vacation and really looked at my house and realized it was full of useless clutter. I immediately went into a cleaning frenzy in an attempt to rid the house of clutter. This got me thinking about the Emotional Clutter that we accumulate through out our life and I came up with this spread. " Jean Hutter
1 5 3
Card One: What kind of emotional clutter have I accumulated?
Card Two: How is it affecting me?
Card Three: How is it affecting my relationship with others?
Card Four: What steps can I take to rid myself of this emotional clutter?
Card Five: What can I do to avoid the accumulation of emotional clutter in the future?TarTar
Tarot Collection 1:12- "Spirit Guide Message" (Tarot Study Group-CM)
Another Spirit Guide Spread I collected on the AT forum that I wanted to try out.
One to Address ALL of Your Spirit Guides
..1.. How many spirit guides do I currently have?
For each one, do the following spread:
2 Tell me something about your personality.
3 Why are you with me (related; personal interest; "assigned")?
4 When is your presence the strongest (in what types of situations)?
5 Please tell me an event in which your presence or influence was particularly strong.
6 What would you like me to know at the moment?
[Then thank them for being here.]
For each one, do the following spread:
2 Tell me something about your personality.
3 Why are you with me (related; personal interest; "assigned")?
4 When is your presence the strongest (in what types of situations)?
5 Please tell me an event in which your presence or influence was particularly strong.
6 What would you like me to know at the moment?
[Then thank them for being here.]

June 19, 2010
Saturday 19 2010: Journal
My Tarot Journal for today, I used the Spirit Guide Message Spread (Collection 1-12) if you would like to try it. And here are my results of the spread.
1. What should I be learning? learning my weaknesses and working thru them and knowing its okay to make mistakes
2. Where do I find inspiration? Despite what has happened to me had led me to seek inner guidance and wanting to better myself and wanting to learn more about things has inspired me more to look more inside of myself.
3. What areas are keeping me from progress? My life is changing at every moment and every step I take and things are becoming more clearer for me. Things are getting better and I put to much trust in something without being a little cautious i need to let certain things go but also protect myself of the just in case but still live life and trust but it doesn't hurt to be prepared.Basically don't trust so easily but just have a little more faith.
4. What will bring balance to my life? not losing faith or patience in my life. and be more loving when dealing with situations in my life.
5. What opinions do I need to re-examine? sometimes check my attitude or temperament toward things try to be a little more kind and try to find my independence.
6. What direction is my life taking? Says I will be able to make the right decisions and to know that my choices are good for me. and I will become more stronger and more focused on my future goals and I will reach them as I go on with what Im doing.
1. What should I be learning? learning my weaknesses and working thru them and knowing its okay to make mistakes
2. Where do I find inspiration? Despite what has happened to me had led me to seek inner guidance and wanting to better myself and wanting to learn more about things has inspired me more to look more inside of myself.
3. What areas are keeping me from progress? My life is changing at every moment and every step I take and things are becoming more clearer for me. Things are getting better and I put to much trust in something without being a little cautious i need to let certain things go but also protect myself of the just in case but still live life and trust but it doesn't hurt to be prepared.Basically don't trust so easily but just have a little more faith.
4. What will bring balance to my life? not losing faith or patience in my life. and be more loving when dealing with situations in my life.
5. What opinions do I need to re-examine? sometimes check my attitude or temperament toward things try to be a little more kind and try to find my independence.
6. What direction is my life taking? Says I will be able to make the right decisions and to know that my choices are good for me. and I will become more stronger and more focused on my future goals and I will reach them as I go on with what Im doing.
Related articles by Zemanta
- My Tarot Lesson Journal (gypsystarots.blogspot.com)

June 18, 2010
Tarot Collection 1:13- "Spirit Guide Message" (Tarot Study Group-CM)
This spread is the “Spirit Guide” spread. It consists of six cards dealt in two rows of three cards. Once again this is a left to right spread. This spread was designed to give spiritual guidance. If you feel you are guided by a particular spirit, then this spread can be used to directly ask this spirit for guidance. If you feel you are guided by the universal consciousness or God through Tarot, this can also be used for direct guidance.
1. What should I be learning?
2. Where do I find inspiration?
3. What areas are keeping me from progress?
4. What will bring balance to my life?
5. What opinions do I need to re-examine?
6. What direction is my life taking?
1 2 3
4 5 6
June 17, 2010
Tarot Collection 1:12- "What you want and how to get it" by PetersTarot (AT Forum)
What you want and how to get it" by PetersTarot
It shows your desired outcome and how you can achieve it.
1) The desired outcome
2) Strengths and aid that will help you to get it
3)Fears you have to leave behind
4)Things you must do and actions you must take to get it
Note: The bottom of 1 and the top of 2 should be next to each other and 3 and 4 should be symmetrically either side of this.
Tarot Collection 1:11- "The Sword of Truth" (AT Forum)
The Sword of Truth Spread
1. Others view or behavior in the relationship.
2. The relationship
3. Querent's view or behavior in the relationship.
4. What has contributed to the current state of the relationship/, or the basis of the relationship.
5. Advice on the next step to take in the relationship.
6. Possible/probable outcome to the relationship.
Tarot Collection 1:10- "Their Motives" (AT Forum)
Simple 3 card spread. What are their motives?
1. What face is this person showing to me/the world in this matter?
2. What is in his/her heart?
3. If there is a discrepancy I'll add a card for why they are acting one way when something else is in their heart.
1. What face is this person showing to me/the world in this matter?
2. What is in his/her heart?
3. If there is a discrepancy I'll add a card for why they are acting one way when something else is in their heart.
Tarot Collection 1:9- "Reincarnation Spread"
Reincarnation Spread
15 14 13
12 11 9 8 6 5 3 2
10 7 4 1
1.Who was I in Past Life?
2.Was I married?
3.Was I happy?
4.What kind of work did I do?
5.Was I a honorable person?
6.Types of challenges did I face?
7.Was I famous?
8.How was my health
9.How did I die?
10.Did I have a soul-mate?
11.Is my present love someone from my past life?
12 Am I linked to my parents of today?
I haven't Tried this one yet, When I get a little more advanced with my cards I may tackle this one
Tarot Collection 1:8- "Break-up Spread"
Break Up Spread
1 2
3 4 5
1.This is what you will be getting rid of
2.This is what you will accomplish
3.This goes with it
4.This will bring you alive
5.You will find confert in this
6.The lesson you learned from all this
1 2
3 4 5
1.This is what you will be getting rid of
2.This is what you will accomplish
3.This goes with it
4.This will bring you alive
5.You will find confert in this
6.The lesson you learned from all this
Tarot Collection 1:7- "Life Path Spread" by Faerylur (AT Forum)
Life Path Spread
1 3 (Crossed by 4)
1.Where I am right now?
2.Where Do I want to be?
3.How do I get there?
4.What is holding me back/in whats in my way/the major road block
Tarot Collection 1:6- "Snap Shot Relationship"
Snap Shot Relationship Spread
4 7
3 6
2 1 5
1.How things stand at this moment
2.What your head is telling you about the relationship or what you think you should be feeling
3.What your heart is telling you about the relationship or How you really feel
4.The impression your giving to the other person
5.What the other persons head is telling them about the relationship
6.What the others heart is telling them, how they really feel
7.The impression that they give you
8.Whats ahead in the following months
Tarot Collection 1:5- "Deep Analysis" By Pomme (AT Forum)
Deep Analysis
2 4
3 5
3 5
1. The Nature of the Problem
2.What I miss, What I need to feel
2.What I miss, What I need to feel
3.What I miss,What I need to do
4.What Im afraid of feeling
5.What Im afraid to do
6.The Course of the problem
7.Question to ask yourself
8. Issues, what to do to Improve the situation
Tarot Collection 1:4 - "Introspective Mandala"
Introspective Mandala
6 7
4 1 9
2 8
2 8
1. Self-Your Current State/Situation
2.Your Needs & Wants-Your instinctive needs & basic needs
3. Your Hopes & Dreams-What makes your happy
4. Endeavors/Achievements
5. Dependence/Obsessions-Unhealthy pattern
6. Strengths/Positive Traits
7. Faults/Weakness
5. Dependence/Obsessions-Unhealthy pattern
6. Strengths/Positive Traits
7. Faults/Weakness
8. Self perception/Self talk-How you see yourself and think of yourself
9.General Attitude/Outlook on life
2,4,6 The way things are
5 & 7 Possible Problem to be worked on
3,8 & 9 Potential for Growth
My WIsh List
I will be adding here my Wish List of Things I would like to (In the future) buy or to own.
*The Oso Zen Deck- I have the printed out ones I have printed out but I would LOVE the Original.
*The Oso Zen Deck- I have the printed out ones I have printed out but I would LOVE the Original.

Tarot Journal: June 17: Personal Statement
I wont go into to much detail right now but I need to just get a few things out that has kept me bogged down the past few months. Now I'm not afraid to tell anyone but I wont go into to much detail but Ive been really down because a month ago I found my Non Marital Husband who Ive been with for 12 yrs, I found him cheating on me. I don't know if it was anything physical but I know it was emotional and the day that I found out my whole world was crushed. The Man that I knew would do something so hurtful to me my so called best friend would hurt me and betray me like nothing I ever felt in my life. My Instinct told me something was going on but I just pushed it in the back of my mind because I have never had to deal with this before with him so I doubting the instincts until one night I found proof. For so long I was hurt, It took me awhile to gather myself up again. To find out some details on the reason why he did what he did but it wants much to heal my wounds he had done to my heart. But I accepted him and I am learning to trust him again and its hard but I am trying to have patience. So I found this Spread on the AT forum about him and his relationship with her and me. To conclude how he really felt for her which was basically nothing, it made me see the faults I have had in the relationship as well as his needs and what he wants it gave me a better understanding of him and the whole situation. NOW I am at peace and I can put that behind me and forgive him and try to better myself so that I can be a better wife for him. I love him so very much just for awhile there I just wasn't sure. But I do Love him or I wouldn't of stuck with him this long he is a good guy despite all the day to day stress he deals with taking care of our 6 children. Hes a good man and a father and we all make mistakes and I hope this will be the last time for I am going to work on making us light that flame again. Just thought Id share
My Daily Horoscope Thursday, Jun 17th, 2010
Thursday, Jun 17th, 2010 -- You are easily charmed by anyone who behaves in a flirtatious manner toward you now. Unfortunately, other people's charisma can be confusing and may lead you into a pile of trouble if you fail to sort through all the incoming information. Remember that your analytical ability is your greatest strength today; think things through instead of impulsively following your instincts.
I'm a Member of Tarot.com
I'm a Member of Tarot.com
Spread Collection 1:3 - "7 Planetary Spread"
7 Planetary Spread
1- Moon Position- Matters Concerning You at home
2-Mercury Position-Matters Concerning Business,Skills & Integrity
3-Venus Position-Matters Concerning Love
4-Sun Position-Mattes concerning your accomplishments
5-Mars Position-Matters Concerning Hostility,Opposition & Aggression
6-Jupiter-Matters Concerning Money,Fiance
7-Saturn-Matter concerning Intellect
Unknown Source"
1- Moon Position- Matters Concerning You at home
2-Mercury Position-Matters Concerning Business,Skills & Integrity
3-Venus Position-Matters Concerning Love
4-Sun Position-Mattes concerning your accomplishments
5-Mars Position-Matters Concerning Hostility,Opposition & Aggression
6-Jupiter-Matters Concerning Money,Fiance
7-Saturn-Matter concerning Intellect
Unknown Source"
Request a Reading
CAFE MOM REQUESTS: Please check the Spread categorize to find out a spread that is most fitting to your questions, If you do not know I will find one for you and answer you ether by the Site you posted on or via cafe mom email By request. (I DO NOT DO READINGS BY PM-If you would like a personal reading please join my LWR site which is Free to Anyone)
NON-CAFE MOM REQUESTS: Please look at the list of Spread categorize to find out which Spread will better answer your questions if you do not know them I will find one for you. If yours not part of the cafe.If You would like to request a reading. Please make sure you read my disclaimer and you understand that by you request is allowing me to practicing on my readings and you do understand I am just a student in Tarot not a professional. With that said I will list a few Tarot Spreads you can choose from to get answers to your questions OR if you don't see anything that will pertain to your questions please ask me and I will look for you a spread to go with what your seeking.~Thank You
NON-CAFE MOM REQUESTS: Please look at the list of Spread categorize to find out which Spread will better answer your questions if you do not know them I will find one for you. If yours not part of the cafe.If You would like to request a reading. Please make sure you read my disclaimer and you understand that by you request is allowing me to practicing on my readings and you do understand I am just a student in Tarot not a professional. With that said I will list a few Tarot Spreads you can choose from to get answers to your questions OR if you don't see anything that will pertain to your questions please ask me and I will look for you a spread to go with what your seeking.~Thank You
Cafe mom Request will be done on a Connection basis, I will be browsing the site and upon connection I will do a reading
(I will limit myself to 10 readings a Week from Light Worker Readings Site
So Please Visit my Reading group.)
So Please Visit my Reading group.)
June 16, 2010
Spread Collection 1:1 "Coming Into Love Spread"
Please Note:I will be listing some spread that Ive found online (Some I don't have original ownership information too so if you know please let me know so I may add proper ownership to) These are my favorite Spreads I will be adding here to save for my own personal use and to share with others as well.
*Ive also collected some spreads from the AT forum Website where I'm a member of If i don't know the original owner of the spread please let me know via email so I may add it
Coming Into Love
(Meeting the Right Guy? Or Wanting to Find a Great Guy For You?)
I didn't have a specific way to arrange cards I just have the Numbers of what each card is
1.Who is your coming love interest?
2.His/Her Work/Job
3.His/Her Quality
4.His/Her Flaw
5.His/Her Look
6.What he/she will think of you when you first meet?
7.What you will think of him when you first meet?
8.His/Her feelings toward you
9.Your Feelings toward him/her
10.The strenght of your relationship
11.The Weakness of your relationship
12.How does it look for you two in a long term basis
*Ive also collected some spreads from the AT forum Website where I'm a member of If i don't know the original owner of the spread please let me know via email so I may add it
Coming Into Love
(Meeting the Right Guy? Or Wanting to Find a Great Guy For You?)
I didn't have a specific way to arrange cards I just have the Numbers of what each card is
1.Who is your coming love interest?
2.His/Her Work/Job
3.His/Her Quality
4.His/Her Flaw
5.His/Her Look
6.What he/she will think of you when you first meet?
7.What you will think of him when you first meet?
8.His/Her feelings toward you
9.Your Feelings toward him/her
10.The strenght of your relationship
11.The Weakness of your relationship
12.How does it look for you two in a long term basis
Tarot Articles:Tarot Reading Help/Tips
Tarot Articles~Tarot Spreads
~Tarot Reading Help~Tarot Tips~
~Some Suggestions For Reading Tarot Cards~
~Tarot Reading Help~Tarot Tips~
~Some Suggestions For Reading Tarot Cards~
Stick With The Original Question
Don't change questions mid-stream. Just because you see some good love cards, doesn't mean a new love is coming into your life, if you were asking about weather or not you should look for another car or job, etc. Stick to the question at hand. If you get curious about another question while you are reading, ask a new question after you are finished with the first.
Don't Ask Twice
Don't ask the same question twice in a day. If you don't like the answer, that is part of life. You will not always get the answer you are looking for, just as life does not always flow in the direction that we would wish. Remember that the answer is based on what energies are at work, at the moment, and anyone can change their future, by changing the energy they are puting out into the universe. Besides, you can always ask again, tomorrow, to see if anything has changed.
Do Ask Good Questions
Some of the best answers come from really good questions. Instead of asking a yes/no question, try phrasing it as "where is my relationship heading, presently" or "what will be my financial outcome if I take this new job?" You will learn so much more about the question and how it is afecting you and any other people involved in the question.
Yes/No Questions
IMHO, Yes/No or either/or questions are much better answered with a 2 card spread. These spreads are great for asking weather to buy a new washing machine or repair the old one, that sort of thing.
Having Trouble Concentrating? Design Your Own Tarot Ritual!
Try to set up reading the cards, so that you do it the same way, everytime you go to read. You can be as simple or as elaborate as you like, but if you consistently do it the same way, you will find it becomes much easier to attune to the cards and what they are trying to tell you.
As an example, this is my little ritual. You can take away or add to it, as you please, whatever feels right to you:
• I unwrap my cards from a piece of black velvet I keep them in, and spread the velvet where I intend to do the reading.
• I light a candle.* I say hello to the spirit of the candle.
• I light some incense that I feel puts me "in the mood". I welcome the spirit of the incense.
• I hold my cards over the incense smoke and spread the cards so that smoke gets to every card. This usually takes me just a minute or two. During this time, I am thinking about how the smoke is purifying my cards of the energies from the last reading.
• I decide on my question.
• I decide on what Tarot spread I am going to use.
• I sit down where I will read the cards and I take a few deep breaths with my eyes closed, to begin to calm myself and move into an almost trance like state. (I like to face East)
• I state my question and I begin to shuffle my cards.** I have oversize, very stiff cards, so I usually spread them out, face down, and shuffle them by turning the cards into each other using both hands, until I feel they are shuffled.
• I gather my cards into a deck and as I think about the question, I cut the deck into 3 sections and replace the last section on top.
• I lay out my Tarot Spread and begin to read. If I am having trouble understanding for myself, I ask myself what I would tell a friend who had drawn these cards.
• When I am through with the cards, I place the cards I have been reading, back into the deck randomly. Then, I shuffle again, and wrap them up and put them away.
Sometimes I just leave my candle burning, sometimes not.
The main thing I have found, for myself, is that I get much better readings when I keep to a "ritual" of doing it the same way everytime. I am not fanatic about it, it is just something I have noticed for myself. Perhaps, it could help you, too!
*I don't always use a candle. This is flexible for me. I do find I seem to get better readings when I am using it, though...and I don't get a kitty behind in my face, walking across the cards : )
** I do not think about what answer "I want". This is very important and was one of the hardest things for me to give up, when I first began to read. Try to keep your mind clear of emotion, as possible, as you are shuffling and laying out the cards. I believe, you will find your readings much more accurate this way.
AFTER the cards are set down, I always get feelings about different cards, and I think this is helpful and the way it should be. You just want to stay away from "influencing the reading" if it is possible.
Source of this information can be found here~~
History of RW

So why the RWS versus some other deck obsession? Well, it was my first deck, and I spent years learning the ins and outs of it. And I still consider it one of the best decks for pictorial attractiveness and depth of meaning of the symbolism on the individual cards (even though I will confess that I use the Mary Hanson Roberts' recoloring in the Universal Waite deck more nowadays as other people find it more pleasing to the eye). The RWS is that now rare thing in Tarot decks - a complete, coherent, unified system of cards with a complexity of detail that has held my attention for years. Oh yeah, those pictorial, representational minor cards are a definite plus also. The RWS deck was the second deck to use illustrative pictures to show the meanings of the minor number cards, and nowadays that has become the norm. The Sola Busca deck did this earlier (late 15th c.), but the notion did not catch on then. There are a few instances where Pixie Smith may have borrowed from the Sola Busca deck, but overall, her illustrations are original. Other Tarock and playing card decks used representational illustrations on the pip cards, especially when they were 'theme' decks. The idea was 'out there', it just took Pixie and Arth to bring it to the Tarot deck in modern times. The RWS deck also is one of the most widely copied for its pictorial symbolism, i.e., in the IX of Wands someone is carrying a burden of wands - is there no other way to show this concept? How about those six swords in a boat? Or the party girls and their three cups? A careful comparison of many of the current decks shows the homage and debt that deck designers owe to Arth and Pixie. There are prettier decks. There are more complex decks. But the RWS has held my interest for many years. I learn new things about it all the time.
And now it's time for the personal bio stuff and history along with pictures and other goodies. [Bio} It's a long, dissembling personal ramble. Read it. It's good; it's confessional. Now, on to more relevant topics.
So far, I have pictured the Sun card from my early edition RWS decks. I have used the research and categories of Frank Jensen to distinguish the cards as to A, B, C, D. He has made the critical determinations of the differences in the printings of these cards. They appear in Manteia magazine (No. 14, 1995 and No. 15, 1995) and also in articles in the International Playing Card Association Journal. A copy of the Manteia Courier article is available here. Read it. It explains alot. I stand on the shoulders of giants here. Frank also used several other cards for distinguishing the printings. They will appear as I get them scanned and up and running on this page. [MainSunPage]
So where is the fifth deck in all this mess? NO MAJORS! But it may appear at a later time when I show the lovely books that came with the sets.
There is a major wrench in the works. Some of you might have watched that wicked eBay auction where Stuart Kaplan slugged it out with Lo Scarabeo for the rose & lilies deck. I sure watched. This item changes a bit of the previous timeline. Check [MainSunPage] for the new speculations.
A personal moment of triumph! After years of searching and whining and otherwise puttering, I have finally acquired a 1911 Pictorial Key to the Tarot. Hooo-yah! No more Xerox copy. What's the big deal?? I have the 1910 version, a 1931 version, the deLaurence hijacked versions (all 4 of them), and several subsequent versions, including my falling-apart PB 1971 version that was my very first Tarot book. Public domain. It's a wonderful thing. One part of the Holy Grail has been achieved. I also found a Pamela B. It is a bit marked up, but hell, it is closer than nothing at all. What would be truly nice would be to find a Pamela B in the original box. I know several people who have the deck, but no one has the original box. Where this version fits in the timeline is still an open question. I also got the January, 1910 Occult Review issue that contains the article by Arth about his new deck with an interesting Sun card picture. Yes, I've been busy and foolish. Usually I am just foolish.
Now this is a recent obsession. It's very possible to look at a RWS deck and say "who cares, snore" until you turn the card over. Then a surprise may appear. The card backs are the fast way to determine what edition of the deck you have. I have one deck listed which I acquired and have no idea as to the identity or history (help here is appreciated). Several others have very tentative dates. No one knows the history (or it hasn't been gathered in one place, which is what this site is all about). I'm coming to the realization that card backs are the behind-the-scenes story of Tarot. We stare at them a goodly amount of time in a reading. They are more important than just a replacement for a blank back design.
What makes a good card back? How are they chosen or designed? How much bother goes into them? Let's celebrate a side of the cards that we all see but don't think about much. I know I am annoyed with a card back that shows a definite upright and inverted form well before I've turned the card over (such as the University Books version). It's like peeking. I show several of the direct RWS influenced cards. Several other decks, such as the Aquarian, also show variation in the card backs as to printings or editions. Know your stuff.
This phrase clattered in my mind. Here's the various Fools from various printings, editions, clones, whathaveyou. Subtle differences that only the neurotic will notice or care about. Hence their appearance on my site.
Other places to go to learn more about the RWS deck. I've remained reasonably specific to the RWS topic. Chasing links is the quick road to hell in Tarot-land. As always, this will grow with time and new information.
Pamela Colman Smith produced other things besides a mighty nifty Tarot deck. I've managed recently to acquire a few of those works. Widdicombe Fair, The Green Bed, and The Golden Vanity. Another part of the Holy Grail has been found. Move beyond the small photos Stuart Kaplan showed you in Vol. 3 of Encyclopedia of Tarot. See how she interprets these songs.
A place for all those decks that are just "too close for comfort" to the RWS. Some nifty data on a few decks and their timelines. Some snarky comments on other decks.
I found an early advertisement for the RWS deck and book. I also have a 1938 catalog from the de Laurence company with advertisements for the hijacked deck and book. That particular topic kind of grew into a complex dog and pony show.
Okay, a popular question lately. Someone else did a bunch of the legwork on this, and the link is here. I've got some other stuff too, along with the usual opinions.
Information can be found here-Where I received this Information
June 15, 2010
Spread Collection 1:2 "5 Card Spread"
Tarot spread for determining a course of action
You could try this spread for determining a course of action - it's a Five Card Spread:

Card 1: The present or general theme of the reading
Card 2: Past influences still having effect
Card 3: The future
Card 4: The reason behind the question (this will probably shed light on 2)
Card 5: The potential within the situation.
Card 2: Past influences still having effect
Card 3: The future
Card 4: The reason behind the question (this will probably shed light on 2)
Card 5: The potential within the situation.
Tarot Journal: June 15 2010 (Basic)
New Tarot Reading I did for myself and my Journal.
First card shows that I'm not very trusting of those around me even thou I depend on them.
2nd card shows that I can be easily persuaded and I need to think before I make a decisions.
3rd card shows that Im a loving and tender person. My Pychics and Intuitive gifts are at a high right now. Im full of compassion for other people.
4th card shows a possible something new coming into my life or a journey of some sort, Spiritually I will be fulfilled. Intuitively and creative mind will succeed.My unconscious mind will become more aware of my surroundings
First card shows that I'm not very trusting of those around me even thou I depend on them.
2nd card shows that I can be easily persuaded and I need to think before I make a decisions.
3rd card shows that Im a loving and tender person. My Pychics and Intuitive gifts are at a high right now. Im full of compassion for other people.
4th card shows a possible something new coming into my life or a journey of some sort, Spiritually I will be fulfilled. Intuitively and creative mind will succeed.My unconscious mind will become more aware of my surroundings
June 9, 2010
My Items I ordered Online! SO excited!!
I'm so excited! I ordered 3 products from Amazon I'm so excited. I'm getting 2 new decks ones called
Golden Tarot Deck
The Original Rider Waite Tarot Pack
The Complete Guide to the Tarot
cant WAIT To get these!!!

cant WAIT To get these!!!
This was my Reading(Astrological Court Card & Pesonality Card)

Card 1 (Queen of Pentacles) : Your Astrological Court Card »
This generous and kind woman usually has enticing aromas coming from her kitchen, which is often busy with visiting family and friends. She is the hostess with the mostest!.She loves her home and her comforts - if anyone knows the true meaning of 'luxury goods' it's her!
She knows how to generate and manage her finances well, whether running her own business or as a housewife with a housekeeping budget.
She likes stability and security, so will tend to remain in the same vocation/job for many years and she will thrive in long term relationships and marriages.
Much of her life is centered around her home, family and loved ones. How she 'feels' about things is very important to her, whether it's the car she drives, the clothes she wears or what she does for a living.
She is the earth mother, realtor, architect, chef and interior designer of the world - and doesn't it look so much better because of her!
In the negative, she can be somewhat mean, unwilling to share, overbearing and smothering. She may generate negative reactions in others by attempting to 'do everything for them' when they would much rather be left alone to 'do it for themselves'.
Success comes from learning how to respect the boundaries of others and 'reel herself in' when the only voice she can hear is her own! She also needs to develop the ability to allow others to help her and give to her - love goes both ways.
With such a quick wit and quick thinking normally comes quick talking! She is the great orator, negotiator, sales woman, TV presenter, actor and teacher of this world.
She loves communication whether it's over coffee with a friend, on the phone, texting on her mobile or email, and she never runs out of things to talk about!
Her strength is her ability to see solutions that others don't due to her analytical mind and ability to see things conceptually.
Her free spirit, sense of fun and ability to thrive on change makes her great fun to be around. People certainly never find her boring.
Her negative traits/weakness can be that she talks too much and does not listen enough. This can sometimes make her appear self centered and insensitive to others.
Having a low boredom threshold she can also appear fickle and superficial.
This can lead to commitment issues both at work and in romance, so she needs to work on being more pragmatic and disciplined to find success in love and life
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- Queen of Swords (comingalive.wordpress.com)
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