June 20, 2010

Tarot Collection 1:22 "Black Cat Spread" by Mesara

Black Cat Spread


A=Card 10
B=Card 11

 1 and 2 as the cat's eyes- these represent what you see to be true about a given situation ( this can later prove to be true or false)

 Position3 (the cat's nose) represents what you "feel" to be true. Maybe you "smell" something fishy, but can't quite put your finger on it. This can also be later proved true or false by the next 3 cards.

Positions 4, 5. and 6 represent the "backbone" of the situation, the hardcore facts. Do these coincide with what your eyes and your intuition were telling you?

Positions 7, 8, and 9 represent the "tail", the grand culmination of events, how you can expect things to turn out.

I thought about adding 2 more positions at the feet, maybe as an optional thing depending on the reading. Perhaps you don't like the "tail" cards, or the predicted outcome? Then continue with positions 10 and 11 (roughly where the feet would be on the cat).
These could represent what it would take to lay the groundwork for a different outcome, or the stepping stones necessary to reach a new and more appealing branch in that tree.. Just a thought. Or even if you like the outcome, these cards could represent how to gain a foothold on the situation to ensure you get the results you want, etc...

One of the cards 10 and 11 could also be "unknown" aspects of the situation as cats are fond of draping a paw over the toy, or unfortunate mouse, that they were just playing with -- thus an uncertainty or sense of play in the situation. I was also thinking, If you want to preserve the "groups of 3" aspect of the spread you could also add one card for the mouth or meow -- what the situation is trying to tell you.

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