1. What should I be learning? learning my weaknesses and working thru them and knowing its okay to make mistakes
2. Where do I find inspiration? Despite what has happened to me had led me to seek inner guidance and wanting to better myself and wanting to learn more about things has inspired me more to look more inside of myself.
3. What areas are keeping me from progress? My life is changing at every moment and every step I take and things are becoming more clearer for me. Things are getting better and I put to much trust in something without being a little cautious i need to let certain things go but also protect myself of the just in case but still live life and trust but it doesn't hurt to be prepared.Basically don't trust so easily but just have a little more faith.
4. What will bring balance to my life? not losing faith or patience in my life. and be more loving when dealing with situations in my life.
5. What opinions do I need to re-examine? sometimes check my attitude or temperament toward things try to be a little more kind and try to find my independence.
6. What direction is my life taking? Says I will be able to make the right decisions and to know that my choices are good for me. and I will become more stronger and more focused on my future goals and I will reach them as I go on with what Im doing.

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