June 22, 2010

Tarot Journal June 22 My Emotional Clutter Spread Results

Card One:    What kind of emotional clutter have I accumulated?Ive gathered much sorrow, depression and fusteration and feeling restrained and feeling as if I cant move I felt held down and restricted from things I want and love.

Card Two:    How is it affecting me?It made  me realize that even the ones I trusted and loved, they hurt me and betrayed me and lied to me. Also so many disagreements and not wanting to work on any issues at hand.

Card Three:  How is it affecting my relationship with others?I have some restriction with people, Im more careful in my dealings with them or do I trust them.Sometimes I think I have all this will power i mean I probably do but many things in my head are undecided on how I feel and how i will react. Just a very confusing time for me.

Card Four:   What steps can I take to rid myself of this emotional clutter? The Cards Say Finding a Job and then I will build my Courage and I will start seeing new things that I will like and have more purpose in my life then I do feel now.

Card Five:    What can I do to avoid the accumulation of emotional clutter in the future? A little more consideration on other peoples feelings, Making true friendships. With this I will have a happier life and must happiness in my life.Love and Harmoney and Trust will be built as well.


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