You and Your Cards
Your cards are yours, so don’t keep them lying about. Keep them in a place where they will not be disturbed by your kids or your pets. You may even make a sacred place for keeping them if that feels good to you. You can store your cards in the box that they came in, or use special boxes made for storing cards. Some readers keep crystals with their cards. Some use special cloth for their readings.
To clean your cards of energy residue after several readings, you can either put them back in order or make each reversed card upright. Some readers use smudge sticks and incense to clean the cards. And some meditate and visualize a white a light enveloping them.
Keep the reading area clean and full of natural light. Wash your hands and feet after a reading, to clean the energy on you. You can even use scented candles or crystals or incense while doing readings to create a comfortable environment.
The most effective way is the one that feels good to you. Respect your cards, and treat them well - just as you would do for anything important and precious

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