Take Justice and Judgment out of the deck, placing them aside for now. Shuffle the remaining cards and pull 7 of them. Place Judgment in the new stack and shuffle again, focusing on the trial. Put Justice at the top of the spread. Note where Judgment falls, as that side is likely to win if nothing weird happens during the proceedings.
1,2 - The opposing sides
3,4 - Their goals
5,6 - Why they wish their goals to be met
7,8 - The scales of Justice, the ultimate decider of the victor
The questions/statements could be rephrased:
1,2 - Why they should/shouldn't become a citizen
3,4 - This will help/will hurt their chances
5,6 - The effect of the wheels of government
7,8 - Outcome
Another Legal spread posted by raheli
layout based on the scales from the RW deck
1. The crux of the situation
2. You
3. The other party
4&5. Outcomes if the situation (case) is resolved in your favor
6&7. Outcomes if the situation (case) is resolved favor of the other party
8. Lessons to be learned front he situation
9. The likely outcome
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