The first card shows the emotional aspects of myself, Many Faults and Errors has been made by me and even thou I mean no harm in it, it really was harming me.
Another card that deals with my emotional aspects of myself also is where the card shows that Im scared of success and I'm undecided what I want to do with my life. As a matter affect this is so true, Because I have been mother for 13 yrs and being a housewife and mother and being home is ALL I know. and now that the baby will be five (Tomorrow) and going to school I have that free time to do ME. and to be honest no matter how NICE that sounds It scares the ba-jezzus outta me. Because leaving something Ive always known for 13 yrs and thinking about me? that's pretty scary because for one I DON'T KNOW WHAT IM GOING TO DO!
The next following cards shows the main challenges that I am dealing with it first card shows that I need to Observe things a little more before judgmental on it and try to understand those around me (mostly on the domestic front of it_ With my Husband and kids. The card is also telling me to be more productive and be moe patient while doing it. Dont rush into rash decisions and moods.Theres also another card that deals with my main challenges that I'm dealing with, Its is Order, Discipline and Prepare, This card is telling me that I need to have a little more discipline in myself and get things done and gather myself to what I need to do and what I SHOULD Be doing and to prepare myself for the coming times.
The Next cards show Choices and Decisions. These 2 cards are telling me that I need to find a way out of feeling restricted as I told you before I am scared of leaving the life that I know to do me, Sometimes I feel like I cant move but I need to learn to get past that and find always to "be free" and not feel so restricted.
and for Then I can change myself to be More Happier and have more prosperity in the end results.
So basically I need to stop being so Impatient and start being a little more passionate and understanding to those around me, Be More productive in my day to day life, Stop being Moody and sulking around like a big baby and try to not let myself get to detached from what I'm suppose to be doing and feeling.
Also the cards in a whole say that I need to build more confidence in myself and courage and to Follow my Intuition and love endlessly then in the end I will have success
My Bonus card I pulled shows that I will becoming into new knowledge as well around this time...

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