Often marked with Numeral Numbers.(Fools thru The World)
Minor Arcana=Is what we can change (Ace's thru Ten)
Court Cards Points to real people in your life.
The court card meanings in the Tarot can be vast, profound, and potentially slippery. I've gone round and round about how to present these tarot card meanings to my readers in a simple yet meaningful way.
Why is the Tarot court so elusive? Here are few considerations in reading court card meanings:
- They can be external or internal in meaning.
These cards can point to real people in our lives, identifiable by their personality and appearance (as translated in a specific court card). Or, they can direct our attention to our own internal behavioral tendencies and personality traits. - They can reference people in many levels of life.
The royal arcana can indicate people in the past, present and future. More mind-bogglingly, these cards can point out people who have transitioned (no longer alive on this physical plane). I've had many readings in which deceased family members and friends have spoken through the royal arcana. If you're a natural medium, this is guaranteed to happen at some point in your Tarot card reading experience. - They are extremely moody.
Because we are dealing directly with the human psyche and persona, these cards are chameleon in nature according to the context of the querent and the reading.
Page=youngster of about 12 or preteen and gender
Queen=adult, motherly figure
King=adult, fatherly or authority figure-are customarily people over 36 who are, or have been, married.

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